Attend A Social Innovation Panel – ONLINE, Wednesday 10:30 CST

Organizations focusing on today’s social innovations range from a handful experienced players (Root Cause, Ashoka, Stanford Social Innovation Review) to a growing presence of regional nonprofits and/or social enterprises addressing fundamental community problems.  With a newly established federal agenda to stimulate and nurture social innovation in this country, how will Sonal Shah, head of the White House Office of Social Innovation create a national agenda sparked by efforts on the ground that can spread across the country and line up with other successful global initiatives such as the United Kingdom’s Office of the Third Sector and Canada’s growing Centers for Social Innovation?

On Wednesday December 9 at 10:30 CST, during the Governor’s Nonprofit Leadership Conference, Business Boomer’s live webcast will feature a distinct panel of leaders to discuss collaborative efforts that stimulate socially innovative activities in order to help answer that question. 


Anne DeHaro, Public Affairs Director and host of Clear Channel Radio, will be facilitate a discussion and field questions from an online audience as she interview panelists Andrew Wolk, CEO of Rootcause (, Elizabeth Darling, CEO of One Star Foundation (, & Stacy Caldwell, Executive Director of Dallas Social Venture Partners (

Topics include:

  • Texas Social Innovation Initiative announcement & vision
  • How social innovation is changing the way nonprofits do business
  • Impact investing & performance measurement 
  • Collaboration at the global, national, state, and local levels

An Evening With Sam-Daley Harris, Podcast Included

I recently had the honor of chairing an event – on behalf of the The Chiapas Project Junior Committee– for one of my heroes; Sam Daley-Harris. 

In such a short period of time, I learned so much from a remarkable man who truly embodies the power of one. In order to capture this special moment, Dallas Social Venture Partners sponsored an exclusive 18-minute podcast for Mr. Daley-Harris with myself as guest host. Now you can see for yourself why this man received a standing ovation that night in Dallas, Texas. 

Today, you have the opportunity to hear his words and learn as I did: 
Click here for the direct link to the podcast and here for the landing page

At one point, he made his personal life’s work to make Muhammad Yunus and his work known, drafting Nobel Prize proposals year after year as one example. ” You did it,” Prof. Yunus exclaimed to Mr. Daley-Harris moments after the 2006 Prize news was released. 

Together, they led a microcredit summit campaign to reach 100 million of the world’s poor in 2007; an audacious declaration at a time when only 8 million poor were served in 1997. That’s a growth rate of 1300 percent in 10 years. 

In our conversation we talk about playing an active role to influence governmental policy around fundamental issues– political affiliation aside. We talk about a world without poverty and what it takes to change today’s daunting statistics. 

This man, whose supporters range from the Queen of Spain to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is living and leading like-minded individuals around the world to achieve these ends. And it all starts with understanding the power of one; the power in YOU! 

Written by Brian R. Weinberg